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Please allow 06 - 12 business days from the time your package arrives back to us for a refund to be issued.

Shopping Information

  • 1.Africa Fashion House?

    Africa Fashion House heretofore referred to as “AFH”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”. The other party entering this contract is heretofore referred to as “The customer/client”, “You” and “Your”.

  • 2. Placing an Order and SALE

    An order is considered logged or active once: Provisional designs applicable to the order has been received. Applicable measurements relating to the order has been received. The stipulated deposit [of at least 50%] has been paid towards the total invoice. An order number is then generated on behalf of the client by way of an invoice issued physically or electronically. The customer must check the order form and confirm all the details are correct at the time of purchase. As the ordered goods are custom-made, they can neither be returned nor exchanged.

    Online Items marked as “discount/discounted”, "Just Launched", "Collection", “Specials”, “Promotions”, “Sale” or other such labels are deemed to be taken “as is” or “voetstoots” and refunds are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Item exchanges and alterations may be permitted in some cases and a handling fee may be charged. In some cases, Online SALEs are Bespoke SALEs, this means items are only manufactured after your order is placed. Please read the special conditions indicated on the promotional material of the specific item you are purchasing. Most products advertised may have strict timelines for price validity, once these timelines pass, the pricing may revert to the original price. At all times, the pricing indicated in Black on the right side of our product pages on our website is the correct and current price and not pricing on pictures as pictures may be old. For rapid sellers, the advertised fabric may sell out - please note that by purchasing an item on SALE online, you agree that if the initially advertised fabric is sold out, a suitable alternative can be used for your order without any prior communication. In all cases, orders placed online during a SALE will attract a 100% cancellation fee should a cancellation request be initiated.

    By placing a product in your shopping cart or adding a product to a wish-list does not make up a sale nor are such products, its price nor its quantities reserved. If you complete the purchase cycle for such products at a later stage AFH cannot be held liable to honour any price changes or if such products are not available. 2. AFH shall use reasonable attempts to make the advertised stock available at the displayed price, for the period specified. AFH strives to ensure that we minimise out-of-stock situations and will take all reasonable measures to make your purchased product available at the advertised price or inform you of an equivalent product option. Clearance campaigns might be implemented from time to time where stock is available in limited quantities. AFH is not obliged to source stock or offer a similar or upgraded item for this sale as stock will no longer be available in future.

  • 3. Consultant & Measurement Fees

    A consultation and measurement fee of R450 per person within this order will apply should this order be suspended or canceled. This fee is waived when your full balance is paid and order collected..

  • 4. Fabric purchase & Handling costs

    All fabrics and consumables used in the production of your order are sourced for you from external suppliers - we do not manufacture them at Africa Fashion House. You agree that by placing your order with us, you are giving us the authority to make certain fabric purchase decisions on your behalf. As per industry standards, once a fabric is cut at the manufacturer or retailer, such a fabric can neither be returned/exchanged nor refunded. This rule also applies to your order. You will be liable for a fabric fee of 33% of the total invoice shown should this order be suspended or canceled

Additional Terms

  • 5. Tailoring costs

    Tailoring Costs of up to 33% of the total invoice shown below will apply should this order be suspended or canceled before your third fitting.

  • 6. Order cancellation

    If you are unsatisfied with your order after your third fitting, you can request for an order cancellation. You will only be liable for consultation, measurement and fabric costs should you cancel this order after your third fitting. Should you require to cancel your order after your first fitting, you will be charged a 100% cancellation fee

  • 7. Refunds

    All refunds are processed via EFT on Thursdays from our Head Office. Refunds are unfortunately not processed in-store. Your refund query needs to have been successfully processed by 12pm on the Tuesday preceding the Thursday for payment to apply. If your query is processed after 12pm on a Tuesday, your refund will be processed on the following Thursday..

  • 8. Order Completion

    On the completion of your final fitting and your order is communicated as ready for collection, you must collect your order from our offices within 7 days - after which a daily storage fee of R50 per item becomes applicable until such time that the order is collected.

More Terms

  • 9. Quality

    Due to the uniqueness of every garment, it is not possible to guarantee that the finished item(s), especially those with distressed finishes will have exactly the same colour, pattern, weave and finish as the item viewed either in-store or online, but we will stand by the quality of all completed orders..

  • 10. Specials, Sale & Promotion

    All items marked as “discount/discounted”, “Specials”, “Promotions”, “Sale” or other such labels are deemed to be taken “as is” or “voetstoots” and refunds are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Item exchanges and alterations may be permitted in some cases and a handling fee may be charged. We, unfortunately, cannot remove any item from a promotional bundle without reverting to the original price of the individual items in the bundle and recalculating the entire invoice..

  • 11. Pricing

    All pricing displayed on the web is inclusive of the current South African VAT, in South African Rands, and are subject to price changes and may change with no warning or notification. Please note that all prices displayed exclude the cost of delivery. AFH takes utmost care to ensure that the displayed prices are correct. Where a price is advertised in error and we have taken reasonable steps to rectify the error, such promotional pricing will not be honoured. If a mistake is made or we display the incorrect price, we will correct this as soon as we are made aware of the incorrectly displayed price..

  • 12. Readymade items purchased in Store

    Unused or unworn items in their original packaging can be returned for a full refund within 7 days of purchase, an original purchase slip is required. Used items can be altered to your satisfaction or a store credit can be issued. Refunds are not permitted or used items. Once an item purchased in-store is altered in any shape or form (by AFH or an external tailor) for the client, such an item cannot be refunded or exchanged..

Ordering from Umino

  • 13. Turnaround times

    Our standard turnaround time is 10 working days; please ensure you schedule your entire 3 fitting sessions within the time you wish for your order to be completed..

  • 14. Online Order Collections

    Orders placed online for instore collections can be collected during the week and on Sundays. Online orders cannot be collected in-store on Saturdays..

  • 15. Timelines and Rush Orders

    Orders required for collection within 2 to 9 working days carry a rush fee of R250 per item. Same-day orders carry a R500 fee. Because of tight deadlines applicable to rush orders, returns or refunds are strictly prohibited.. Track Order You are able to track the current status of your order at all times on our website by clicking here - https://www.africafashionhouse.com/ordertracking/

    Order Processing A Status Showing "Order Processing" means your order is still in the processing stage. Standard-priced products bought on our website can stay on the "Order Processing" status for between 5 and 19 working days. Products purchased on SALE can process for between 2 weeks and 7 weeks. To read more about our processing times, please click here - https://www.africafashionhouse.com/delivery-policy

    Packaged Orders - Account Login Once your Order Processing is completed, your items get Packaged and your order status updated to "Packaged" - awaiting Pick up from Couriers. You can monitor this process also on our website when you either log into your online account or use the "Track Order" link. To create an account or log into your account please click here - https://www.africafashionhouse.com/customer/account/login/

    With Courier Company

    Once your order gets picked up by the Courier, your Order Status changes to "With Courier Company" and a tracking number is then provided in the 'additional info' section of your order page. Your order will then dispatch from us and reach you depending on the delivery timeline you chose when placing your order (3, 5, 14 or 19 working days).

    5-Days Fast Shipping We are able to provide you super-low pricing on SALE orders due to our internal batch-processing techniques which means orders are processed and shipped in batches - reducing processing costs which are then transferred to you as low priced products, we also understand that this may cause items to reach you after a while hence we have provided a way for you to speed up your order delivery by purchasing a shipping voucher and choosing the 5 day delivery option. The shipping voucher reduces your processing on all order types to just 3 days. To purchase a "Fast Shipping" voucher, please click here and choose Priority 5 Days on exit - https://www.africafashionhouse.com/shipping.html

    Query Your Order Standard-priced orders are considered delayed if you have not received them within 19 working days after ordering. SALE orders are considered delayed if you have not received the "With Courier Company" status after 7 weeks of ordering. You are able to query order status with us after such a time has passed.

  • 16. Fittings?

    Your first fitting date is ideally selected on the date your order is logged. Fitting sessions scheduled prior to final design approvals are subject to rescheduling to compensate for lost order processing time. We will do all we reasonably can to meet with the agreed fitting date; however, in the case of unforeseen circumstances, we may not be able to do so. Your consultant will communicate a substitute date for your fittings. Please allow a total period of one hour for fittings from arrival to conclusion. Should you not have ample time for your fittings, please call in and reschedule a day and time when you will be fully available as we may need an hour or two to correctly complete your fittings. It is important to note that the first fitting [and in some cases, further fittings] means your order is only put in a “fitting position” to determine the fit on the body and not in anyway the finished item; accessories like beads, zips, flowers, buttons etc will typically be missing from such a garment at the time. Your first fitting is your only opportunity to communicate to us any design changes and alterations you may require on your order. Minor design alterations that may be performed without remaking large portions of your order may be accepted and effected. Major alterations and design changes will attract additional charges you will be quoted on the day and should you not accept the additional fees, your design will not be effected. Your second fitting date is selected at your first fitting and should be indicated on your order form - where no date is selected, we will contact you to indicate a convenient time. Please note that a minimum of three (3) fitting sessions are required before your order can be concluded. We understand that certain orders are for specific dated events, however, It remains the responsibility of the client to ensure all 3 fittings are scheduled within good enough time for the order to be concluded and collected before such an event. AFH will not take responsibility for any orders delayed as a result of tight-fitting schedules imposed by the client. All fittings are automatically scheduled for between 2pm and 5pm daily excluding Saturdays; Saturday and after-hour fittings are only scheduled with the written consent of the manager on duty at the time of request. We strongly advise that fitting appointments are confirmed at least 24 hours prior to the actual fitting. Booked fittings are given strict priority over impromptu appearances. Please ensure you have written or electronic proof to this effect. Depending on items ordered and the size of your contingent, we reserve the right to relocate fitting venues at our sole discretion to any of our other stores within the province in which the original order was placed in or a distance deemed to be within reasonable proximity of such. We strive to make all our products fit perfectly the first time, however, a minimum of three fitting sessions are required and four session in the case of more complex items like Jackets, evening gowns, wedding gowns and matric dance dresses. On your scheduled fitting day, please do not wear any makeup; items badly soiled during fittings by the customer will not be cleaned before final delivery.